Mui Ne - Phan Thiet increasingly affirms its brand «the Capital of high-class resorts in Vietnam»! What has been building that reputation? We will hear with our own ears and see with our own eyes when visiting this land.

With the wild beauty of a deep blue sea lurking under immense coconut forests, white and red sand hills stretching like desert, fishing villages and crowded boat landing areas, highlights of this peaceful land, Mui Ne is like a fairy awakened by a total solar eclipse occurring in 1995 in Phan Thiet. «Appropriate opportunity - advantaged location - human vantage » our ancestors said so long ago. A series of preferential policies of the local authority strongly stimulated investors from all over the world to come here and build luxurious resorts; in a short time, there were hundreds of resorts in Mui Ne area with various cultural nuances of the peoples all over the world.

A premium resort «Poshanu Resort» is built on a rock right on the most beautiful beach of Mui Ne. With the idea of "bringing the soul of Cham culture to the sea", the investors of the resort designed the whole resort as a Cham village. Twenty-four luxurious villas are designed according to the Cham architectural style, but inside they are all equipped with modern furniture according to standards of a four-star hotel. The open design of guesthouse clusters will give visitors a feeling of closeness and friendliness to nature. Visitors have ample spaces to fully enjoy the gifts of the land and heaven.

Clusters of ancient houses bearing the culture of the ancient Vietnamese intersperse with pieces of architecture bearing the Cham culture, as honoring the harmony between the cultures of the peoples who have lived on this land. Guesthouse clusters with moss-tiled roofs hidden under the dark green trees, the green color of Cuc Quy flower carpet interspersed with colorful flower bushes blooming and shading under the water tower, are modeled after the legendary Poshanu tower. The stone road winds around the resort as if it is taking visitors astray into countryside of the Cham people with dragon fruit trees laden with fruits, the golden rice fields laden with grain ears swinging in cool breeze, and sparrows looking for their prey. Visitors sometimes come across bushes of sugarcane and tomato trees, freshwater wells beside banana bushes, areca trees laden with fruits, old buckets, and ancient rice mills bearing the marks of time. All are blended well together in making the resort space here become relaxed, free, and peaceful.

Coming to Poshanu, the feeling of relaxation of visitors will be multiplied by the on-site spa service. This is really a great choice for travelers, including the dragon fruit treatment, a local specialty of Binh Thuan firstly used by Poshanu as a unique body care ingredient.

Guests will enjoy Vietnamese coastal culinary culture with typical rustic dishes of Binh Thuan. Poshanu's skilled chefs have made dishes into indispensable masterpieces in guests' meals. «Poga Hotpot» is one of those specialties. "Poga Hotpot" will make visitors around the world nod in praise while enjoying it at Poshanu's restaurant, located right on the windy coast, with a capacity of more than 300 people and 24/24 service.


Poshanu will be improving and developing sustainably with social activities for the community and pioneering activities in environmental protection, building business culture, attaching importance to and constantly investing in the professional and foreign language skills of the staff. With the motto: «Be friendly, see visitors as close relatives», Poshanu Resort has been conquering new heights.

Your interest in choosing Poshanu as a destination on all of your vacations is a testament to the success of Poshanu Resort. Welcoming and serving visitors forever are the noblest reward that Poshanu Resort desires.
